Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ecto Cooler from Mt. Baker Vapor

Okay, peeps.......Strap on your Ghostbusting Gear, grab your Proton Packs and don't forget to pack that lunch with your favorite juicebox, because it's time to talk ECTO COOLER!!!

I remember when Hi-C first came out with the Ecto Cooler juicebox. Ghostbusters was a huge hit in the theaters already, so Columbia Pictures Television & DiC Enterprises animated the "Busters" and kinda made Slimer the "official mascot". Slimer, as we all know, was the green, slimy ghost that helped ruin the hotel in the first movie. After finally "evacuating" Slimer, Bill Murray's character "Peter Venkman" bursts from the Ball Room exclaiming....."We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!".....and it's with THAT very exclamation in which I will review this juice!!

The bottle of Ecto Cooler that I received, as stated above, is from Mt. Baker Vapor. It is a 50/50 pg/vg mix and it's at a 24mg Nic Level.

Gonna vape this on my KR Mod (as usual) so I can mess with the voltage while I go. I'll be using a brand new coil head on my 5ml Clearomizer and hopefully I'm gonna get the best flavor possible.

Here goes........

First off...........Cap off. BANG!!! Citrus BLAST right in the ol' smeller!!! This stuff smells like a freshly cut mix of citrus fruits. No one fruit more than another..........just a POP of citrus goodness. I love the smell of citrus. Sweet, Tart, Tangy...........MMMMMMMMM!!!!!

The smell has me, for sure.

Loaded up my Clearo......Let's take it to town, people!!!!

First hit.............(3.6v).....Good. Not the "exact" flavor I remember from childhood but definitely close enough. It's not as sweet as I remember the juicebox being, but I don't guess it could be. It IS however, very good!! Very "citrus-y" (I don't think thats a word, but we're going with it) and makes your mouth water on the inhale. Very similar to a breakfast drink I had as a child called "5Alive". 

It's very much a blend of several citrus fruits and not just Orange or Lemon/Lime. Very complex in that it is literally kinda sweet one second and still tart the next. I like that a lot!!

Let's try cranking the voltage up to 4.6v, and see what that does.

Second hit.............Better. I can taste the citrus even more at this voltage and just that single volt more helped produce a nice Throat Hit and doubled my Vapor Production. This stuff really vapes, by the way. The amount of vapor produced here is very pleasing and now I'm wondering if this would have been better in a Carto Tank instead of the Clearo. Guess I could always find out later, huh??

Third hit............(5.4v and not a volt higher)........Still very citrus-y but the added warmth from the higher volt does nothing for the Ecto Cooler. Throat Hit and Vapor Production seem to be the same as at 4.6v. The only REAL difference I see is that it seems to make me wanna have a little sip of water afterwards. Like I was parched.

All around........I'd say Ecto Cooler is good. For me it's not an "All Day Vape" but one I'd like to keep for early morning vaping or for those days when I'm craving a citrus type soda (Mello Yello, Squirt or even the real Ecto Cooler from Hi-C) and just don't want the extra calories. paraphrase the great Dr. Venkman, in regards to MBV's Ecto Cooler,....."It came, I vaped, and this juice kicks ass!!!"

So......."Who ya gonna call?" when you want Ecto Cooler?? MT. BAKER VAPOR, that's who!!!!

I hope you've enjoyed my review of Ecto Cooler from Mt. Baker Vapor and I look forward to giving you my next review soon. Thanks, again, from the "UN-dead" blogger and..........

Happy Vaping!!!!!

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